

Literature review

Transfer learning with DDSM: We first identified which neural networks are currently being used for transfer learning in the context of cancer identification and classification [2],[3],[4]. In particular, while many available DCNN models for transfer learning were not specifically trained for biomedical applications, they appear to nonetheless achieve reasonably strong performance when applied to the DDSM dataset for differentiation among normal and abnormal cases, as well as classification of abnormal cases.

Jain and Levy [3] compare the performance of multiple DCNN architectures on the DDSM dataset, and achieve 60.4% accuracy with a hand-built shallow CNN, 89.0% with AlexNet, and 92.9% with GoogleNet. Especially noteworthy is the fact that the GoogleNet’s recall rate of 93.4% surpassed that of professional radiologists, who typically achieve recall rates that range from 74.5% to 92.3%. Shams et al. [5] perform simultaneous ROI-identification and classification using a model that combines CNNs and GANs, and achieve similar results of around 89% accuracy and 88.4% AOC on the DDSM.

Data Background

We chose to work with the USF Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM), which, while widely used in the literature, requires extensive preprocessing to get to a form that can be used for even basic analysis. Given time constraints, we therefore drew on a prepared version of the dataset provided by [1] so that we could focus on the more interesting and valuable tasks of image classification and classifier interpretability.

This version of the DDSM data differs from the original in a few ways:

The dataset is already divided into training, cross-validation, and test sets, containing 55885, 7682, and 7682 observations, respectively, though we have concatenated the cross-validation and test sets below.

The observations are labelled as follows:

Whereas the observations of class 0 originate from the DDSM, those of classes 1-4 come from the CBIS-DDSM.


[1] Eric A. Scuccimarra, DDSM dataset, Version 10. Accessed at

[2] Scuccimarra, Eric A. “ConvNets for Detecting Abnormalities in DDSM Mammograms.” Medium, 21 May 2018,

[3] Arzav Jain, Daniel Levy. “DeepMammo: Breast Mass Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks” Accessed at

[4] Pengcheng Xi, Chang Shu, Rafik Goubran. “Abnormality Detection in Mammography using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.” (March 5, 2018). Accessed at

[5] Shayan Shams, Richard Platania, Jian Zhang, Joohyun Kim, Kisung Lee, Seung-Jong Park. “Deep Generative Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis.” (Sept 26, 2018). Accessed at