Data Description and EDA



We looked at the image dimensions and pixel statistics (per image) and computed the “mean” image across all images. The (first) mode of each feature was: drawing The mode was interesting because although it appeared that there were about 40 mode pixel_means, that was only because several pixel means appeared twice, so the mode value itself was 2, which is very low. It was therefore not particularly informative, but we didn’t expect it to be. In fact, it’s rather remarkable that there were any repeated pixel mean values considering that the mean is the result of averaging thousands of pixels and the images weren’t the same size when this was taken, but still not informative from what we know about image classification.

Other major statistics are shown in the table below, and further down.

breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 11999.000000 11999.000000 11999.000000 11999.000000 1.199900e+04 11999.000000 11999.000000
mean 60.498375 3.049754 386.289691 442.884657 1.823229e+05 112.143816 108.427577
std 34.642243 2.073039 127.532994 144.615190 1.907018e+05 27.168085 37.636997
min 1.000000 0.000000 103.000000 97.000000 1.150000e+04 25.721226 3.000000
25% 30.500000 1.000000 333.000000 360.000000 1.640000e+05 94.352833 84.000000
50% 60.000000 3.000000 375.000000 500.000000 1.845000e+05 111.822098 107.000000
75% 90.500000 5.000000 452.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 128.805862 130.000000
max 120.000000 7.000000 2560.000000 2740.000000 4.915200e+06 230.984512 255.000000

Overall, the image width and height varied greatly, but the majority (the 95th percentile) were typically between 100 and 500 pixels. The per image mean pixel was around 112 and the per image median pixel was around 108 for the entire data set and when we looked at each class individually.

We computed the mean images for the full training set and for each class by composing an image using the mean pixel across all pixel positions in a set of images.

The mean image over all the data is almost the same shade except for a slightly darker center, suggest that the figures are possibly somewhat centered overall. Each class mean images is difference of course but tend to have a central darker spot, some more pronounced than others, which might mean the images in those classes might be easier to group together, or at least to distinguish from the mean images where the central spot is lighter. The “background” color also varies from brown to light green.

The clear outlier is the mean image of the wild dogs set, which suggests that although there are few images like this, they might be more easily distinguished, which would make classifying them more successful.

We found the mean images somewhat interesting but it’s hard to know how informative these trends and differences we notice are.

Downloading and Cleaning Data Set

Data Overview

Our data set is purely jpeg images. There are 12000 training images and 8580 test images. The data set has 120 dog breeds but we will classify by the 7 superbreeds. Of the 120 breeds we have, 5 breeds in the data set that are not classified under a super breed.

“Reconciliation” / Design Choices

There are 5 breeds provided that are not classified under a superclass by the American Kennel Society: the Kelpi, the Appenzeller, the Dingos, the Dholes, and the African Hunting Dog. We decided that although the Kelpie breed and Appenzeller are not officially classified by the AKS, they are frequently classified as herding dogs by other Kennel Societies such as the New Zealand Kennel Society, so for the purposes of this project we decided that they should be classified as herding dogs. This seemed like a reasonable choice given that these dogs are primarily used as herding dogs and therefore if someone is looking for a herding dog, they would be reasonable options, despite not being officially classified as such by the AKS.

The Dingo, Dhole, and African Hunting Dog are all wild dog breeds that are currently endangered. They actually appear rather similar, all medium to large sized dogs that are lean and have short reddish-brown coats and features similar to wolves. We therefore decided to include them as an eighth category, wild dogs. Since the test data will likely include photos of these breeds, we figured it was reasonable to group them together and see what happens, since it would be better that some are classified as wild, if only because the background is never a domesticated setting in the photos of these wild dogs, than their physical similarities.


The images were downloaded and the jpeg file names, labels, and a couple other things were provided in a .mat file. We extracted the relevant information and built a Dataframe with each image file path, breed, breed id, superbreed category (manually compiled by checking the AKS classification for each breed in the data set), and metadata: the image height, width, area, mean pixel, and median pixel.

We had to manually go through each breed and determine which superbreed it belonged to. As mentioned in the “Reconciliation” section, this requried

We had to re-organize the data from the way it was in the dataset, where training and test images are in the same folders, into seperate training and test folders. We therefore have a column with the path for the images before and after they were re-organized.

There was one image, “n02105855-Shetland_sheepdog⁩/n02105855_2933.jpg” that could not be re-sized. Because this was the only one, from both the training and the test set, we chose to remove it from the dataset.

import random

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import keras 
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense

%matplotlib inline

import seaborn as sns

from keras import regularizers
from scipy import stats
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator, array_to_img, img_to_array, load_img
Using TensorFlow backend.
test_mat ="test_data.mat")
train_mat ="train_data.mat")
def unpack_mat(mat, train_or_test):
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    jpgs = []
    scaled_paths = []
    original_paths = []
    breeds = []
    breed_ids = []
    num_datapoints = len(mat[train_or_test][0][0][0])
    for i in range(num_datapoints):
        jpg = mat[train_or_test][0][0][0][i][0][0]
        scaled_path = "images/" + jpg
        original_path = "images_originals/" + jpg
        temp_arr = mat[train_or_test][0][0][1][i][0][0].strip().split('-')
        breed_str = "-".join(temp_arr[1:]).split('/')[0]
    df['jpg'] = jpgs
    df['breed'] = breeds
    df['breed_id'] = breed_ids
    df['scaled_path'] = scaled_paths
    df['original_path'] = original_paths
    return df
train_df = unpack_mat(train_mat, 'train_info')
test_df = unpack_mat(test_mat, 'test_info')

Superbreed Classification

The dog breeds were manually classified into superbreeds which was then used to add labels to the Dataframes.

toy_ids = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 37, 51, 87, 101, 108, 111, 114])
hound_ids = np.array([9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 
                      26, 27, 102, 103])
sporting_ids = np.array([28, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 
                         67, 68, 69, 70, 71])
non_sporting_ids = np.array([45, 50, 54, 73, 95, 98, 109, 110, 115, 116, 117])
terrier_ids = np.array([29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 
                        43, 44, 46, 49, 52, 53])
working_ids = np.array([47, 48, 72, 78, 84, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100, 
                        104, 105, 106, 107])
herding_ids = np.array([74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 91, 112, 113, 77, 90])
wild_dog_ids = [118, 119, 120]
super_classes = [toy_ids, hound_ids, sporting_ids, non_sporting_ids, terrier_ids, 
                 working_ids, herding_ids, wild_dog_ids]
train_df['class'] = np.ones(len(train_df['breed'])) * -1
test_df['class'] = np.ones(len(test_df['breed'])) * -1
for i, super_class in enumerate(super_classes):
    train_df.loc[train_df['breed_id'].isin(super_class), 'class'] = i
    test_df.loc[test_df['breed_id'].isin(super_class), 'class'] = i
train_df.drop(train_df[train_df['class'] == -1].index, inplace=True)
test_df.drop(test_df[test_df['class'] == -1].index, inplace=True)

Adding Features to the Dataframe

X_train = np.array([img_to_array(load_img(path)) for path in train_df['original_path']])
train_df['height'] = [x.shape[0] for x in X_train]
train_df['width'] = [x.shape[1] for x in X_train]
train_df['area'] = train_df['height'] * train_df['width']
train_df['area'] = train_df['height'] * train_df['width']
train_df['pixel_mean'] = [np.mean(x) for x in X_train]
train_df['pixel_median'] = [np.median(x) for x in X_train]

EDA: Training Set Image Dimension Stats

Full Training Set

train_df = pd.read_csv("raw_train_df.csv", index_col=0)
def pretty_hist(axs, data, xlabel, ylabel, title, truncate_range):
    if truncate_range:
        axs.hist(data, bins=15, range=(0, np.percentile(data, 95)))
        axs.hist(data, bins=15)
def plot_field_hists(fields, xlabels, ylabels, titles, truncate_range=False):
    num_fields = len(fields)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, num_fields, figsize=(5 * num_fields, 5))
    if truncate_range:
        titles = [x + ", 95th percentile" for x in titles]
    for i, field in enumerate(fields):
        pretty_hist(axs[i], field, xlabels[i], ylabels[i], titles[i], truncate_range)
def dimension_EDA(df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, train_field_titles):
    # 50% is the median
    train_fields = [df[field] for field in train_field_xlabels]
    print('Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)')
    plot_field_hists(train_fields, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, train_field_titles)
    plot_field_hists(train_fields, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, train_field_titles, truncate_range=True)
train_field_xlabels = ['height', 'width', 'area', 'pixel_mean', 'pixel_median']
train_field_ylabels = ['frequency'] * len(train_field_xlabels)
train_field_titles = ['Training Data Height', 'Training Data Width', 'Training Data Area', 'Training Data Pixel Means \n (per image)', 'Training Data Pixel Medians \n (per image)']

dimension_EDA(train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, train_field_titles)
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 32.471844 102.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 74.479744 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN 84.492241 NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN 85.132156 NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN 87.276344 NaN
5 NaN NaN NaN 90.655434 NaN
6 NaN NaN NaN 94.959969 NaN
7 NaN NaN NaN 99.757095 NaN
8 NaN NaN NaN 100.112602 NaN
9 NaN NaN NaN 103.104118 NaN
10 NaN NaN NaN 103.470612 NaN
11 NaN NaN NaN 103.570946 NaN
12 NaN NaN NaN 104.854309 NaN
13 NaN NaN NaN 108.339966 NaN
14 NaN NaN NaN 110.499313 NaN
15 NaN NaN NaN 112.021393 NaN
16 NaN NaN NaN 113.407219 NaN
17 NaN NaN NaN 113.996834 NaN
18 NaN NaN NaN 115.102348 NaN
19 NaN NaN NaN 115.634087 NaN
20 NaN NaN NaN 115.667099 NaN
21 NaN NaN NaN 116.413353 NaN
22 NaN NaN NaN 118.111633 NaN
23 NaN NaN NaN 120.048439 NaN
24 NaN NaN NaN 123.686897 NaN
25 NaN NaN NaN 128.356125 NaN
26 NaN NaN NaN 129.687759 NaN
27 NaN NaN NaN 129.876328 NaN
28 NaN NaN NaN 131.545944 NaN
29 NaN NaN NaN 131.992554 NaN
30 NaN NaN NaN 133.000153 NaN
31 NaN NaN NaN 139.729370 NaN
32 NaN NaN NaN 140.332428 NaN
33 NaN NaN NaN 145.873215 NaN
34 NaN NaN NaN 148.994186 NaN
35 NaN NaN NaN 151.758209 NaN
36 NaN NaN NaN 162.024933 NaN
37 NaN NaN NaN 162.829636 NaN
38 NaN NaN NaN 164.041245 NaN
39 NaN NaN NaN 165.401840 NaN
40 NaN NaN NaN 167.776276 NaN
41 NaN NaN NaN 190.556137 NaN
42 NaN NaN NaN 202.729797 NaN
43 NaN NaN NaN 208.358734 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 11999.000000 11999.000000 11999.000000 11999.000000 1.199900e+04 11999.000000 11999.000000
mean 60.498375 3.049754 386.289691 442.884657 1.823229e+05 112.143816 108.427577
std 34.642243 2.073039 127.532994 144.615190 1.907018e+05 27.168085 37.636997
min 1.000000 0.000000 103.000000 97.000000 1.150000e+04 25.721226 3.000000
25% 30.500000 1.000000 333.000000 360.000000 1.640000e+05 94.352833 84.000000
50% 60.000000 3.000000 375.000000 500.000000 1.845000e+05 111.822098 107.000000
75% 90.500000 5.000000 452.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 128.805862 130.000000
max 120.000000 7.000000 2560.000000 2740.000000 4.915200e+06 230.984512 255.000000



Class 0: Toy Breeds

class_0_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 0]
title_0_prefix = 'Class 0 (toy) \n'
class_0_train_field_titles = [title_0_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_0_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 85.132156 85.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 118.111633 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN 129.687759 NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN 164.041245 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 1600.00000 1600.0 1600.000000 1600.000000 1.600000e+03 1600.000000 1600.000000
mean 41.62500 0.0 384.448125 429.450000 1.741263e+05 110.924687 106.715312
std 44.48563 0.0 122.485669 133.053545 1.461365e+05 26.988897 37.484878
min 1.00000 0.0 103.000000 97.000000 1.199000e+04 31.965340 7.000000
25% 4.75000 0.0 333.000000 335.750000 1.574850e+05 93.075907 81.000000
50% 14.50000 0.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.785000e+05 110.878407 107.000000
75% 90.50000 0.0 473.500000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 129.197033 131.000000
max 114.00000 0.0 1662.000000 2080.000000 3.211520e+06 198.951004 247.000000



Class 1: Hounds

class_1_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 1]
title_1_prefix = 'Class 1 (hounds) \n'
class_1_train_field_titles = [title_1_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_1_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, class_1_train_field_titles)
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 87.276344 109.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 116.413353 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN 123.686897 NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN 129.876328 NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN 148.994186 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 2000.00000 2000.0 2000.000000 2000.000000 2.000000e+03 2000.000000 2000.000000
mean 26.30000 1.0 377.872000 434.038500 1.725883e+05 112.579294 108.389000
std 25.95278 0.0 112.941828 132.759635 1.464921e+05 26.134392 35.164043
min 9.00000 1.0 104.000000 100.000000 1.150000e+04 34.201900 11.000000
25% 13.75000 1.0 333.000000 350.000000 1.403625e+05 96.180819 86.000000
50% 18.50000 1.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.780000e+05 112.664257 108.000000
75% 24.25000 1.0 445.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 128.318901 128.000000
max 103.00000 1.0 1712.000000 2288.000000 3.917056e+06 217.878387 255.000000



Class 2: Sporting Breeds

class_2_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 2]
title_2_prefix = 'Class 2 (Sporting) \n'
class_2_train_field_titles = [title_2_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_2_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 90.655434 118.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 165.401840 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN 202.729797 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 1800.000000 1800.0 1800.000000 1800.000000 1.800000e+03 1800.000000 1800.000000
mean 61.055556 2.0 393.843889 453.330000 1.930272e+05 110.816578 106.490833
std 9.326826 0.0 137.025361 161.545778 2.212782e+05 27.520573 38.600130
min 28.000000 2.0 116.000000 108.000000 1.296000e+04 25.826056 3.000000
25% 58.000000 2.0 333.000000 375.000000 1.665000e+05 92.300446 81.000000
50% 62.500000 2.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 111.054886 106.000000
75% 67.000000 2.0 480.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 126.976927 128.000000
max 71.000000 2.0 1879.000000 2740.000000 4.745680e+06 211.280594 255.000000



Class 3: Non sporting breeds

class_3_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 3]
title_3_prefix = 'Class 3 (Non Sporting) \n'
class_3_train_field_titles = [title_3_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_3_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 74.479744 101.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 100.112602 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN 133.000153 NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN 162.024933 NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN 162.829636 NaN
5 NaN NaN NaN 190.556137 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 1100.000000 1100.0 1100.000000 1100.000000 1.100000e+03 1100.000000 1100.000000
mean 89.272727 3.0 393.200000 449.312727 1.834450e+05 112.468410 109.555909
std 27.121843 0.0 115.319479 120.120914 1.511735e+05 29.018573 41.689876
min 45.000000 3.0 120.000000 140.000000 2.160000e+04 25.721226 3.000000
25% 54.000000 3.0 333.000000 375.000000 1.665000e+05 94.456615 83.000000
50% 98.000000 3.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 111.383419 107.000000
75% 115.000000 3.0 463.500000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 129.573372 133.000000
max 117.000000 3.0 1926.000000 2048.000000 3.145728e+06 212.646439 255.000000



Class 4: Terrier Breeds

class_4_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 4]
title_4_prefix = 'Class 4 (Terriers) \n'
class_4_train_field_titles = [title_4_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_4_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 112.021393 102.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 113.407219 NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN 120.048439 NaN
3 NaN NaN NaN 128.356125 NaN
4 NaN NaN NaN 139.729370 NaN
5 NaN NaN NaN 140.332428 NaN
6 NaN NaN NaN 151.758209 NaN
7 NaN NaN NaN 208.358734 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 1900.000000 1900.0 1900.000000 1900.000000 1.900000e+03 1900.000000 1900.000000
mean 39.315789 4.0 368.577895 428.827895 1.651163e+05 113.146039 110.211053
std 7.065872 0.0 106.307560 121.212291 1.179687e+05 26.959233 37.181410
min 29.000000 4.0 120.000000 136.000000 1.920000e+04 37.453369 9.000000
25% 33.000000 4.0 332.000000 350.000000 1.503435e+05 94.895241 85.000000
50% 39.000000 4.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.825000e+05 112.404808 109.000000
75% 44.000000 4.0 400.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 129.256058 132.000000
max 53.000000 4.0 1704.000000 2272.000000 3.871488e+06 227.148422 255.000000



Class 5: Working Breeds

class_5_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 5]
title_5_prefix = 'Class 5 (Working) \n'
class_5_train_field_titles = [title_5_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_5_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 108.339966 99.0
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN 111.0
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 1800.000000 1800.0 1800.000000 1800.000000 1.800000e+03 1800.000000 1800.000000
mean 88.833333 5.0 404.846111 457.438333 1.998660e+05 112.838142 108.581667
std 17.258619 0.0 152.121098 153.338521 2.477822e+05 27.257844 37.257453
min 47.000000 5.0 148.000000 150.000000 2.720000e+04 35.495560 6.000000
25% 84.000000 5.0 333.000000 375.000000 1.665000e+05 95.017635 84.000000
50% 93.500000 5.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 112.156715 107.000000
75% 100.000000 5.0 489.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 130.954529 131.000000
max 107.000000 5.0 2560.000000 2560.000000 4.915200e+06 230.984512 255.000000



Class 6: Herding Breeds

class_6_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 6]
title_6_prefix = 'Class 6 (Herding) \n'
class_6_train_field_titles = [title_6_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_6_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 103.470612 95.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 113.996834 97.0
2 NaN NaN NaN 131.545944 112.0
3 NaN NaN NaN 131.992554 NaN
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 1499.000000 1499.0 1499.000000 1499.000000 1.499000e+03 1499.000000 1499.000000
mean 85.603736 6.0 389.637759 446.679119 1.889250e+05 112.617875 109.697799
std 11.627525 0.0 131.279307 168.460965 2.409936e+05 27.339800 38.592978
min 74.000000 6.0 143.000000 131.000000 2.370000e+04 31.898178 7.000000
25% 77.000000 6.0 333.000000 360.500000 1.650000e+05 93.771652 84.000000
50% 82.000000 6.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.800000e+05 112.675102 107.000000
75% 90.000000 6.0 452.500000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 128.821785 130.000000
max 113.000000 6.0 1800.000000 2323.000000 3.612265e+06 225.403122 255.000000



Class 7: Wild Dogs

class_7_train_df = train_df[train_df['class'] == 7]
title_7_prefix = 'Class 7 (Wild Dogs) \n'
class_7_train_field_titles = [title_7_prefix + t for t in train_field_titles]
dimension_EDA(class_7_train_df, train_field_xlabels, train_field_ylabels, 
Mode of Each Data Type (can be more than one)
height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
0 375.0 500.0 187500.0 32.471844 108.0
1 NaN NaN NaN 99.757095 118.0
2 NaN NaN NaN 110.499313 120.0
3 NaN NaN NaN 115.102348 125.0
breed_id class height width area pixel_mean pixel_median
count 300.000000 300.0 300.000000 300.000000 3.000000e+02 300.000000 300.000000
mean 119.000000 7.0 365.673333 470.013333 1.933222e+05 109.633808 106.733333
std 0.817861 0.0 149.593026 184.484221 2.617299e+05 25.220375 32.234854
min 118.000000 7.0 132.000000 125.000000 2.162500e+04 32.471844 10.000000
25% 118.000000 7.0 301.500000 380.750000 1.398000e+05 93.574894 85.000000
50% 119.000000 7.0 334.500000 500.000000 1.665000e+05 110.167782 108.000000
75% 120.000000 7.0 375.000000 500.000000 1.875000e+05 123.519602 125.000000
max 120.000000 7.0 1728.000000 2304.000000 3.981312e+06 190.908478 210.000000



Mean Images

Pre-processing To Produce Mean Images

X_train_scaled = np.array([img_to_array(load_img(path)) for path in train_df['scaled_path']])
class_dfs = [class_0_train_df, class_1_train_df, class_2_train_df, class_3_train_df, class_4_train_df, class_5_train_df, 
             class_6_train_df, class_7_train_df]

class_train_scaled = {}
for i, class_df in enumerate(class_dfs):
    class_train_scaled[i] = np.array([img_to_array(load_img(path)) for path in class_df['scaled_path']])
class_train_cropped = {}
for i in range(len(class_dfs)):
    class_train_cropped[i] = center_crop(class_train_scaled[i])
X_train_cropped = center_crop(X_train_scaled)
X_train_cropped_flattened = np.array([x.flatten() for x in X_train_cropped])
class_train_flattened = {}
for i in range(len(class_dfs)):
    class_train_flattened[i] = np.array([x.flatten() for x in class_train_cropped[i]])

Mean Image for the Full Training Set

aggregate_image = np.mean(X_train_cropped_flattened, axis=0)
array_to_img(aggregate_image.reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_aggregate_image", "JPEG")
plt.imshow(array_to_img(aggregate_image.reshape(224, 224, 3)))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x1c7cf800b8>


The mean image for the entire data set was almost completely uninformative, although it suggests that the dogs are possibly decently centered and perhaps err on the lighter side, color wise.

Computing the Mean Image per Class

The mean image of each subclass ranged from almost completely uninformative to interesting but not neccessarily helpful in drawing conclusions.

agg_images_by_class = {}
for i in range(len(class_dfs)):
    agg_images_by_class[i] = np.mean(class_train_flattened[i], axis=0)

Class 0: Toy Breeds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[0].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[0].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_0", "JPEG")


This was quite uninformative although the center is just barely pink and the top of the image is slighter darker than the bottom, which might suggest these images are taken closer, so the background is usually seen from the top and the body might be cropped out. This is something we might expect of toy breeds, but this conjecture is not substantiated at all at the moment.

Class 1: Hounds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[1].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[1].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_1", "JPEG")


This was slightly more interesting than the toy breeds composite image because the color a bit more concentrated, which to us at least suggests that the image similarities are more prominent than that of toy breeds.

Class 2: Sporting Breeds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[2].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[2].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_2", "JPEG")


This one’s center is quite concentrated and almost resembles a figure, which is very interesting! It’s slightly more green on the edges, which might suggest more outdoor images, as we would expect from sporting dogs.

Class 3: Non-Sporting Breeds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[3].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[3].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_3", "JPEG")


This also almost resembles a figure or even a face, which is very interesting! It’s a tad darker than the sporting breeds composite image with no green tone at the edges, which is again is something that might set this class apart.

Class 4: Terrier Breeds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[4].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[4].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_4", "JPEG")


Quite honestly this could be a very fuzzy terrier if you use some imagination! Just kidding, but the faint reddish-golden brown center is very much like some terriers’ colors. However, since there are many terriers that are white or gray or different colors, this could be misleading, and the models might struggle to use color as good indication when so many colors are represented in many groups, such as the terrier superbreed. The green tones around the borders again suggest perhaps more outdoor photos, whcih we might not expect from terrier breeds since they tend to be domesticated pets.

Class 5: Working Breeds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[5].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[5].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_5", "JPEG")


This is similar to the non-sporting but slightly more brown and green, which might imply that these images are even more likely to be outdoors and/or the dogs are darker. The center blob also seems just barely less defined, which might suggest greater variety of positions or movements.

Class 6: Herding Breeds

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[6].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[6].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_6", "JPEG")


It’s interesting how concentrated the center spot is. The shape is generally wider than it is tall, which might suggest more pictures from a distance capturing the entire body of the dog, which would make sense for herding dogs since they aren’t as cuddly and perhaps don’t pose as much.

Class 7: Wild Dogs

plt.imshow(array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[7].reshape(224, 224, 3)))
array_to_img(agg_images_by_class[7].reshape(224, 224, 3)).save("train_agg_img_class_7", "JPEG")


We find this the most interesting composite image because it’s the most green with the smallest center brown spot which is on the darker side. To us, because this is the wild dogs class, this is unsurprising because it’s likely that the images are often from a distance and in the wild, which could explain the smaller “body” and abundance of green and dark brown tones. Despite being wild dogs, it might be that their general background is quite similar, since the homes of domestic dogs might have much more variety than a natural backdrop.

Preprocessing Code

Preprocessing consists of resizing all images to 224 x 224 and scaling all pixels (dividing by 255). To resize, we first resize the smaller side to 224, and then take a random crop of 224 pixels (for the training set) or the center crop of 224 pixels (for the test set).

Resize First Side

To resize the first side of all the images in the training data, run ‘python’

Resize Second Side

def random_crop(list_of_np_arrays):
    cropped = []
    for np_array in list_of_np_arrays:
        w, h = np_array.shape[1], np_array.shape[0]
        img = array_to_img(np_array, scale=False)
        top = random.randint(0,h-224)
        bottom = top + 224
        left = random.randint(0,w-224)
        right = left + 224
        img = img.crop((left, top, right, bottom))
    return np.array(cropped)

def center_crop(list_of_np_arrays):
    cropped = []
    for np_array in list_of_np_arrays:
        w, h = np_array.shape[1], np_array.shape[0]
        img = array_to_img(np_array, scale=False)
        img = img.crop((w/2  - 112, h/2 - 112, w/2 + 112, h/2 + 112))
    return np.array(cropped)



def scale_pixels(list_of_np_arrays):
    scaled_arrays = []
    for np_array in list_of_np_arrays:
        scaled_arrays.append(np_array / 255)
    return np.array(scaled_arrays)